Published on the CLC website. A favourite children’s action song performed in five languages in as many countries, pattern making with gloves in the playground…it can only be Co-Make. The early years computational thinking project met (virtually) in London this week for a pan-Europe…
The children at Kindcentrum Snijders watched other schools perform ’head, shoulders, knees and toes’ before they did a performance by themselves.
Hi everybody We have been looking at patterns in many ways. We have been asking and reflecting: what makes a pattern? What do patterns look like? Where can we find patterns? What effect can patterns have on how we do things? We have made 4 small films which we hope shows some…
Today we started with patterns. What are patterns? Where do you see patterns? It was still difficult for the children to describe this. We have learned that a pattern is something that keeps coming back. This can be for example in color (red / green / red / green) in shape (round / square /…